Help me raise money in honour of my Wife, Jeanine Wilson and the 421,000 Australians living with dementia.
On Sunday, 23 February, I'm taking part in Canberra's Memory Walk & Jog to raise funds to support Australians impacted by dementia. This is a cause close to my heart and I would love your support.
Please make a donation to support my efforts and help us reach our goal to beat dementia.
Not many people know, but dementia is Australia's second-leading cause of death. By 2058 it's expected that over 800,000 Australians will have dementia. But we can change this.
All money I raise will support the work of Dementia Australia and help provide vital support services like counselling, support groups, education, and research to help find a cure.
Together we can achieve a lot. Your donation would mean the world to me.
Thanks for your support!
My achievements
Help me light up my badges

Received first
sponsor donation

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Raised $150
Bronze Dementia

Raised $500
Silver Dementia

Raised $1,000
Gold Dementia

Raised $2,500
Platinum Dementia

I’ve reached my fundraising, but I'd love to raise more. Will you help?
My Updates

Piipa Joins In
I'm sure Pippa will be excited to know that she is now joining the Memory Walk and Jog for Dementia on February 23. Pippa is always ready to go for a walk and along the Lake Burley Griffin foreshore I'm certain there will a rabbit or 2 to distract her attention. now all she has to do is raise some money!Thank you to my sponsors

Everyone At Goodwin Village Ainslie

Meg Daly
"Go well Ray"

Sandra Mason

"Good luck! xxx"

Lynda Wolfe
"In memory of Jeanine 💕🙏🥀 xoxo"

Peter Mckay
"Well done Ray Truly honouring"


Richard & Edith Harrison

Felicity Siro

Carolyn & Al
"What a great way to remember Jeanine xx"


Geraldine Obrien
"Don’t fall over!"

Joanne & John

Tom Roberts

Sue Newcomb
"Remembering a very special friend 🥰"

Carol South
"For my beautiful friend Jeanine who had a wicked sense of humour. You are missed"

John Rowsell

Jeanette Pope

Hilary Merritt
"Good luck Ray"


Geoff Steele

Fay Haskins

Jill Hailey

Kath Sinclair

Chris Cocquio

Shirley Fowler

Kevin Brann

Derek Travers

John& Betty Mcdonald

Sally Henfry


Jeanette Pope

Paola Giurgola
"Glad you are supporting such a great cause"

Keren Bisset

Andrea Leuning


Angela Wilson


Joanne Rick
"You can do it my friend 🧡"

Sue Clydesdale

June Penny

Patricia Liddell

Betty Lloyd

Sue Mathews

Sally Bloomfield

Fritha Nielsen

Jacqui Landos
Our team members

Gaki zangmo

Teddie . (C)

Peter Barclay

Dot Barclay

Madeline Barclay

Alison Barclay

Shannon Kara

Tanzihee Rahbar

Yvonne Pino

Anne Malinao

Teddy Morados


Kerri Mansfield


Celeste Trew

Rebecca Luongo

Ferryjel Oliamot

Cristy Clemente

Jonalyn Broadhead

Graham Broadhead

Rebecca Pino

Isobel Pino

Dilly Cliffe

Sophia Malinao

"Ray, this is in honour of your darling wife and her dog Pippa. We are sorry about her passing and miss her very much. You were a wonderful husband and she will be so proud of you for what you are doing. We all wish you a great day on Sunday and continued strength and healing. You are a true Champion"