Help me raise money in honour of my special human, Jeanine Wilson and the 421,000 Australians living with dementia.
On Sunday, 23 February, I'm taking part in Canberra's Memory Walk & Jog to raise funds to support Australians impacted by dementia. I am doing this with my dog dad Ray Wilson. We both miss my mommy dog Jeanine so much.
She passed away from Dementia in October last year and we are doing this walk in her memory and to show her how much we love her. I hope other furry friends will join me too!
Please make a donation to support my efforts and help us reach our goal to beat dementia.
Not many people know, but dementia is Australia's second-leading cause of death. By 2058 it's expected that over 800,000 Australians will have dementia. But we can change this.
All money I raise will support the work of Dementia Australia and help provide vital support services like counselling, support groups, education, and research to help find a cure.
Together we can achieve a lot. Your donation would mean the world to me.
Thanks for your support! Woof!
My achievements
Help me light up my badges

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sponsor donation

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Raised $150
Bronze Dementia

Raised $500
Silver Dementia

Raised $1,000
Gold Dementia

Raised $2,500
Platinum Dementia

I'm $309.59 away from becoming a Silver Level Fundraiser. Will you help get me there?
Our team members

Gaki zangmo

Teddie . (C)

Peter Barclay

Dot Barclay

Madeline Barclay

Alison Barclay

Shannon Kara

Tanzihee Rahbar

Yvonne Pino

Anne Malinao

Teddy Morados


Kerri Mansfield


Celeste Trew

Rebecca Luongo

Ferryjel Oliamot

Cristy Clemente

Jonalyn Broadhead

Graham Broadhead

Rebecca Pino

Isobel Pino

Dilly Cliffe

Sophia Malinao

"Gotta beat Teddy"