Michelle Howarth

Share my fundraising effort with your network and let's beat dementia, together.

Help me raise money in honour of my Mum, Ann and the 421,000 Australian’s living with dementia.

On Sunday, 9 March, I'm taking part in Western Sydney's Memory Walk & Jog to raise funds to support Australian's impacted by dementia. This is a cause close to my heart and I would love your support.


This should be hung in every dementia care home and in hospitals where there are patients with dementia.

If I get dementia, I’d like my family to hang this wish list up on the wall where I live. I want them to remember these things.

1.  If I get dementia, I want my friends and family to embrace my reality. 

2.  If I think my spouse is still alive, or if I think we’re visiting my parents for dinner, let me believe those things. I’ll be much happier for it.

3.  If I get dementia, don’t argue with me about what is true for me versus what is true for you.

4.  If I get dementia, and I am not sure who you are, do not take it personally. My timeline is confusing to me.

5.  If I get dementia, and can no longer use utensils, do not start feeding me. Instead, switch me to a finger-food diet, and see if I can still feed myself.

6.  If I get dementia, and I am sad or anxious, hold my hand and listen. Do not tell me that my feelings are unfounded.

7.  If I get dementia, I don’t want to be treated like a child. Talk to me like the adult that I am.

8.  If I get dementia, I still want to enjoy the things that I’ve always enjoyed. Help me find a way to exercise, read, and visit with friends.

9.  If I get dementia, ask me to tell you a story from my past.

10.  If I get dementia, and I become agitated, take the time to figure out what is bothering me.

11.  If I get dementia, treat me the way that you would want to be treated.

12.  If I get dementia, make sure that there are plenty of snacks for me in the house. Even now if I don’t eat I get angry, and if I have dementia, I may have trouble explaining what I need.

13.  If I get dementia, don’t talk about me as if I’m not in the room.

14.  If I get dementia, don’t feel guilty if you cannot care for me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It’s not your fault, and you’ve done your best. Find someone who can help you, or choose a great new place for me to live.

15.  If I get dementia, and I live in a dementia care community, please visit me often.

16.  If I get dementia, don’t act frustrated if I mix up names, events, or places. Take a deep breath. It’s not my fault.

17.  If I get dementia, make sure I always have my favorite music playing within earshot.

18.  If I get dementia, and I like to pick up items and carry them around, help me return those items to their original place.

19.  If I get dementia, don’t exclude me from parties and family gatherings.

20.  If I get dementia, know that I still like receiving hugs or handshakes.

21.  If I get dementia, remember that I am still the person you know and love.”

ᴄᴏᴘʏ ᴀɴᴅ ᴘᴀsᴛᴇ in Honor of someone you know or knew who has dementia. In Honor of all those I know and love and lost who are fighting Dementia/Alzheimer’s 💙💙💙

Please make a donation to support my efforts and help us reach our goal to beat dementia.

Not many people know, but dementia is Australia's second-leading cause of death. By 2058 it's expected that over 800,000 Australian's will have dementia. But we can change this.

All money I raise will support the work of Dementia Australia and help provide vital support services like counselling, support groups, education, and research to help find a cure.

Together we can achieve a lot. Your donation would mean the world to me.

Thanks for your support!

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Raised $150
Bronze Dementia

Raised $500
Silver Dementia

Raised $1,000
Gold Dementia

Raised $2,500
Platinum Dementia

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I'm $185.70 away from becoming a Silver Level Fundraiser. Will you help get me there?

Thank you to my sponsors


Christian Isaiah Elijah Jorja Jasmine Hendrix

"Go Nanny"


Marilyn Hynes

"Hi for the team xx"


Michelle Howarth


Yvonne Howarth

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