Teddie .

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Share my fundraising effort with your network and let's beat dementia, together.

Help me raise money in honour of my fellow residents, and the 421,000 Australians living with dementia.

Hi there, lovely humans! I'm the fluffiest resident here, and I've got a very important mission to share with you! 🐶

I'm getting my paws ready for my biggest adventure of the year - the Memory Walk & Jog on Sunday, February 23rd! 

I'm joining in to help raise money for Dementia Australia because, you see, there are 421,000 humans in Australia living with dementia.

Can you help me sniff out some donations? 

Every dollar we raise goes to helping these wonderful humans and their families through support services, and towards finding a cure. Did you know dementia is Australia's second-leading cause of making humans cross the rainbow bridge? By 2058 (that's like a million walks in dog years), over 800,000 Australians might have it - but together, we can help change that!

Your donation, no matter how small, would bring us one step closer to beating dementia and would make me the happiest pup in all of Australia!

I hope to see you on the day - I'll be the one with the waggiest tail! Thank you for your paw-some support! 🐾💜

My achievements

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sponsor donation

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Referred a friend

Raised $150
Bronze Dementia

Raised $500
Silver Dementia

Raised $1,000
Gold Dementia

Raised $2,500
Platinum Dementia

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I'm yet to receive my first donation. Will you help kickstart my fundraising effort?

Thank you to my sponsors

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