
Share our fundraising effort with your network and let's beat dementia, together.

We're doing the Huskisson Memory Walk & Jog to raise funds for the 421,000 Australian's living with dementia.

Our Team is named UN 365, and it stands for United Nations 🇺🇳 , and 365 as the days of the year.

We have different ethnicities, but we are United in our quest to find ways and means to beat Dementia 🧠.

We have collective experiences ❤️‍🩹and stories R.E Dementia, either from the job that we do, from our own personal experiences, or from our dear families and friends…

We are joining 👍 in the Memory Walk & Jog for Huskisson this 15th of February, to raise money for Dementia Australia.

Please support 🤞 us and donate whatever amount you could afford, so Dementia Australia can continue to deliver the needed vital services.

Thank you 🌹 and have a good one.

Brian, Alice, Agnes, Lily, Judy, Jo, Bernadette, Alistair and Catherine.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Leonor V. Hermans

"From Philippines 🇵🇭, with Love ❤️‍🩹,"


Antony Wood


Caroline Moody



"All the best with your MW&J Fundraising. From Philippines 🇵🇭 with Love."


Australia Post Huskisson Lpo

"Thank you for making people aware of the horrible disease."


Michael V

"Great cause"


Huskisson Hotel Jervis Bay


Wandering Wood Fire Oven


Jervis Bay Wild

"Happy to help."


Kil Im Cho

"Good Luck 🤞! (Rita) Toyko Sushi Nowra"


Bayside Accounting

"More than happy to help with a real carer & worthwhile cause"


John Giles

"For a Great 👍 Cause! (John)"


Officeworks Nowra

"Happy to donate for a worthy cause. Please keep up the great work. (Alison)"


Agnes Dharamdas

"You go girl, well done. Thank you for your hard work, Catherine 👍. For a good cause."


Sandra @ Woollamia


Huskisson Bayside Resort

"Sorry for the late donation. A bit busy this time of year"


Huskisson Treasure Chest

"Well done👍"


Tiges Tiles Nowra


Peter Ritchie

"almost there"




Kulani Williams


Silk Loprasert

"Catherine, you are so kind, generous and thoughtful, "God bless you and your family". Happy 30th anniversary."


Silk Loprasert

"Well done Catherine, God bless you. Silk"


Sharon And Steve Collins

"Well done Catherine"


Lisa Burns

"Thanks Brian for supporting this great cause"


Huskisson Bakehouse Group

"Congratulation on such a great effort. Love all at the bakery xoxo"


Amanda & Steve Tamplin


Kath & Lockie Sinnamon

"Happy anniversary u 2. Sending lots of love xo"


Teresita Plzak


Kelly Wrightson


Karen Hobbs

"Good luck Lilly❤️hope you raise lots of money xx"


Alistair Clarke

"We Got This! ❤️‍🩹"


Bernadette Clarke

"Go UN365! ❤️‍🩹"


Jo Marshall

"Love from Marshall family"


Huskisson Pictures

"Happy to help👍. Good Luck. 🤞 (Jan and Peter)"




Lucky 88 Chinese Restaurant


Nowra Fresh

"Happy to help! 👍 (Tony, Brad and Dan)"


Symone’s Avenue Of Beauty

"Good Luck. (Symone)"


Husky Sports Bowling Club

"Happy to help. (Mark and the Board)"


Elizabeth Su Fui

"God Bless! 🙏"


Choice Pharmacy


Kangaroo Valley Pharmacy


Marian V. Quibin

"Happy to help! ❤️‍🩹 (Marian and Lito"


Annie V. Butcher

"Good Luck! 🤞 (Annie and Pete)"


Gina Aabo

"For the “Cause” which is close to your ❤️‍🩹 From your friend forever, Gina."


South Nowra Premium Meats

"For Nan❤️‍🩹. (Kory)"


Super Bargain Vincentia

"Happy 😃 to help. (Liz)"


Pat Anderson

"$61 for 61st Birthday 🌹. Find the cure, before I get it. (Pat Anderson)"


Sanctuary Point Seafood

"Happy to help. (Kim)"


Husky Ferry

"Ahoy there! God bless 🙏. From Captain Dave and Jenny."


Gold Blade Barbers

"Happy to help. (Mustafa)"


Kathy And Michael

"Good luck"


Narelle Fulginiti


Tahls, Shaun, Frankie And The Boys

"We love you Poppy xx"


C/- South Coast Glass


Julie Ritchie

"go Brian we support you all the way on this journey. Love Julie and Karyn xxxxx"


Peckish On The Park

"Well done Catherine"


Alice Laps

"Go man go, big walk on Saturday"



"Hope this helps in your noble endeavor"


Warwick Mcmillan

"Good luck catherine"


Noelene Honey

"Congratulations Catherine on magnificent effort"


Brigitte Whitnall


S. Susie Valadao Duarte


Pat Courts


Christine Dasilva

"Have a great day Brian love from Christine and Jim DaSilva"


Pro And Reliable Computets




Julie Ritchie

"Go Team UN365"


Kathryn Raymer

"Good luck!"


Mary Sinnamon


Lady Magallon



Abhi Pathak


Earnest Arthur


Complete Exhaust Nowra Tracey And George


Wannaluck Morey-hype

"Have a good one Lucky&Taranee​"


Shoalhaven Cleaning Company


Toyworld Vincentia

"Every little bit helps somebody. ❤️‍🩹 (Ruth and Phil)"


Andrew Komorowski


Jess And Ian Ritchie And Jones

"We love you Pop"


Marilyn Mitchell

"You are a Saint Catherine"


Julie Cockrem

"Hope you achieve your goal Cath. It's a wonderful cause!"


J. O’brien


Michael Mascaro


The Local Jervis Bay

"Good Luck 👍. (Charlie and Steve)"


Marthese Henderson


The Jellybean Emporium

"Donation for Dementia Australia. (John and Sue)"


Marc And Tracy

"Thinking of you"


Ron And Leah Miller

"We trust that the donation will greatly contribute to the course, to help bring about the 🥰 advancement of a cure. (Lea and Ron Miller)"


Joy Hutchinson

"For all those dear to me"


Pat Anderson

"Find the Cure❤️‍🩹. (Pat)"


Gay Burch

"Why am I here🤔"


David Mulliger


Sylvia Duffy


Herbert Snell


Woolworths Nowra

"Thank You! 👍 (Cheree and Nathan)"


Coles Vincentia

"Beat Dementia. (Leigh and Kim)"


Joanna B



Lily Mcguire



The Tea Club

"Happy to help! 👍 (Jim and Lorena)"


La Vespa Restaurant

"Happy to help! (Lou and Robyn)"


Andrew And Barbara Komorowski

"God Bless. 🙏 (Andrew and Barbara)"


Browyn And Warren Timewell

"Good Luck 👍 Browyn and Warren"


Ian’s Keys

"Good Luck! 👍 (Ian)"


Lea, Ron And Aaron

"Blissful 30th Wedding Anniversary ❤️‍🩹. Lea, Ron and Aaron"


Peter Shepherd

"All good 👍."


Gail Croft

"Go Chooky! (Chooksy)"


Shane Wood



"Christmas Charity 🎄"


Robbie Hrouda

"Go for it Mum."


Barry And Brownyn Michael


Avelyn Toms

"All the best👍. Good luck 🤞. (Evelyn)"


K-mart Nowra


Sonia North

"Happy anniversary Catherine & Alistair 💕 Wonderful cause xx"


J’adore Diamonds

"Happy to help. (Andrew)"


Jervis Bay Meat Co.

"Happy to help. (Steve)"


Rennie D'souza

"Keep up the good work"


Rennie D'souza

"Keep up the good work"


Susan Walker


Marie & Peter Dawson


Steen Pedersen



Margaret Zuber


Pauline Blair



"Good luck"


Jolly Olly’s


Shop Between The Flags

"Cute it before I get it.❤️‍🩹 (Adrien)"


Judy Rusgnach

"Congratulations to all for another amazing year"


Kafeina Nowra Jellybean Park

"You are safe and loved. If things feel confusing, it’s okay to take a moment and breathe. We are here for you, always. TinaMichaelidel"


Chemist Hub

"Good luck 🤞. (Ali)"


Wellbeing Massage

"Happy to help. (Mark and Eileen)"


Heather Lovett

"Good on you Brian"






Cynthia Hodgson


Diane Weaving

"Enjoy the wall"


Brian Mc Carron

"Enjoy the walk,well done!"


Bernadita Graham

"Good Luck Cuz! 🤗 (Dit and Ken)"


Espresx Cafe

"Happy to help! ❤️‍🩹 (Sue)"


Bay & Basin Newsagency

"Good luck 🤞 with your mission. (Beck and Warren)"


Moya Maharg



Tristan Lynch

"Hope everything goes well 👍."


What’s In Clothing

"Happy to help! (Mandy)"


Alma And John Gunner

"Good health to all the family. (Alma and John)"


Karyn Crawford

"Congratulations Dad on a great walk. xxxxxooooo"


Mark Fuller


Andy&gail Miglionico

"Great cause Good Luck"


Anne Low

"Well done Brian and good luck"


Jen Wilmott

"Good luck 🤞 (Jen)"


Beautiful Scrapbooks

"Good Luck! 🤞 (Chris)"


Coffee Guru

"Get Active Beat Dementia. (Rob and Tash)"




Grant Mcguire


Zuzanne Kelleher


Margaret Calver


Michael King


Prividence Blue

"Good Luck. 🤞 (Bernie)"


The Book & Burrow

"All the best. (Cally)"


Sally M. Oyston

"Good luck 🤞. Good health 🌹. (Sally and Phil)"


Margaret Greenfield


John And Nolene Clarke


Sanctuary Point Garden Centre

"Good luck 🤞 with your walk.(Kathy and Greg)"


Jamaica Blue


Nowra Hydroponics & Pet Supplies

"Happy To Contribute, Good Luck! (Joel)"


B&j Tools

"B&J Tools (Janet and Barry)"


Jenny Mckenzie


Judy Linehan

"Happy to help🌹. (Judy)"


Lucy Turner


James Mcguire

"you go girl"


Shirley Hawkins


Dragica Montibeler


Margarite Mc Auley

"Lots of love 🥰 (Marg)"




Norma Blenheim

"Best Dementia!"


Helen Ball

"Well done on your fundraising again- God Bless"


Don And Gae Mcrae


Angela Harrington

"Donation to a great cause. (Angie)"

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