The Quizzles

Share our fundraising effort with your network and let's beat dementia, together.

We're doing the Forster-Tuncurry Memory Walk & Jog to raise funds for the 421,000 Australian's living with dementia.

On Saturday, 22 March, we’ll be joining the Forster-Tuncurry Memory Walk & Jog to show our love and help Dementia Australia.

And we need your support! 

Did you know that 1.5 million carers, family members and friends are involved in the care of someone living with dementia in Australia. That's why we're hoping to raise as much money as possible. We'll be walking, jogging, and running to stop dementia in its tracks. 

We'd love you to join us on the day, but if you can't, a generous donation will help provide vital services like counselling, support groups, education, and research to find a cure.

Together we can achieve a lot. That's why your donation will mean the world to us. 

We're all grateful for any amount you can give.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Yamba Shores Tavern

"You must do the long one"


Beaver Novello Moss

"Go Ben and team, great job"


Rachael And Richard Sowden

"Good luck with the walk and jog. James yours and Jenny’s love for each other has always been so incredible to watch and you doing this to help find a cure for her wicked disease is beautiful, as is the boys. May you have many more happy times together than you have hard, and may the hard just remind you how good the good were, or allow you to laugh with distance. Our thoughts and friendship is with you and Jenny both Richard and Rachael"




Sue Quiring

"Hope the fund raising goes well. I'd love to a cure that can help Jenny."


Roger & Ann Wood

"I hope this goes some way towards finding a cure"


Margie Lewis

"For Jenny, Glenn’s dad who passed in January and all others living with this crippling condition Jenny, your amazing family has your back"


Carolyn Lane



"For my beautiful!"


Craig Jones


Tania Dorney


Katherine Cavanagh

"So proud of you James and love for you and Jenny and the family"


Patricia Eacott

"Know how much you love & care for Jen."


Melinda And Sarah

"Sending all our love and support to you and Jen xxxx"


James Quiring


Kylee White

"Go “The Quizzles”. I’m with you in spirit"





"I think your wonderful. This is a very emotional cause. Well done team Quiring."


Chris Gemmell

"Beat the old man"




George Proudfoot

"Keep up the good work."


Kylie Pearce

"I’ll be walking/jogging with you in spirit!"


Alex & Royce Novello


Izaya Mckenna

"Love you smookums"


Drizzy Drake

"Gods plan"


Susan Still


Garry Knight


Chris Lovatt

"Onya Quirings"


Libby Mcphee

"You’re the kindest kid with the biggest heart. So proud to be your Mumma 💜💜"


Alison Fietz




Gai Fillingham



"Great cause Jim"



"Run Forrest run!"


Kellie Gardiner

"Your family is so inspiring to us and in a way I know your doing in honour your beautiful wife Jenny but I also know it be in honour of my late husband Lionel and my dad Ron"


Bruce Wyatt


Steve Pate


Greg Smithson


Jessica Welch

"Good luck, Peter. Thinking of you, your wonderful family, and your amazing Mum."


From Tya And Loz <3


Chris Bec Chloe And Sophie


Mjc Plumbing Services


Dazza & Chris

"All the best James with your fundraising efforts. Love from us both ❤️"


Nick Cassidy

"Great cause Pete."


Dave And Jenny Blacksell

"Stride it out for Jen 🥰"


Suzanne Clarke



"Good luck with this Peter"












Delyce Denton-helm

"Unfortunately a diagnosis way too close to my heart - Wishing your Mum & the Family peace & love, in your journey ahead xxx"


Aaron Wernicke








Peter Quiring






















Dave And Jody

"I love you mum"


Van Dam

"👍 to your efforts, old friend."



"💞🙏 both dear old friends"


Ben Quiring


Christine And Phil Woodies

"You got this James.. Love you Jen 🥰"


Chook, Ruby And Evie

"Amazing Work Team! You should be very proud 💗 all the very best for the event x"


Oren Mason


Aaron Knight

"Proud of you, keep up the fundraisers, preferably ones with chocolate involved"


Eli Jones



"Every little bit helps! :)"


Jenny And David Blacksell

"Stride it out George xx"


Jenny And David Blacksell

"Stride it out Matthew"


Jenny And David Blacksell

"Stride it out Pete the Plumber"


Jenny And David Blacksell

"Stride it out Emily"



"Good on you James"




Jeff H



"Thinking of you and your family"


Chelsea Almond


Emma Deaves



"So proud of you. Love Mum"


Dianne Giblin

"Enjoy your walk - great team of lads to support Jen"



"Ben and Jacinta, thank you guys for doing something for a great cause, a cause close to my own heart, I hope one day that there will be a cure. I'll be there in spirit cheering you all on."


Sue Kirk


Jess Mongan

"You are one of the most caring and kind souls I know. I love that you are doing this, we support you 100./.. what a great charity to raise money for. If you’d like a shirt design for this event JM envision designs would more then happily gift you that too! Xx"


Nicole Maltman




Lynda Megaw



"Way to go Team Quiring 🌟"


Talitha Hardaker




Satriya Pope



"I’m thinking of you all"


Ben Quiring



"Thinking of you and your family."



"Great cause Garry"




Michelle Manning

"Bless ya Kianne.xx"





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