Team Fantastisch

Share our fundraising effort with your network and let's beat dementia, together.

We're doing the Melbourne Memory Walk & Jog to raise funds for the 421,000 Australian's living with dementia.

On Sunday, 18 May, we’ll be joining the Melbourne Memory Walk & Jog to show our love and help Dementia Australia.

And we need your support! 

Did you know that 1.5 million carers, family members and friends are involved in the care of someone living with dementia in Australia. That's why we're hoping to raise as much money as possible. We'll be walking, jogging, and running to stop dementia in its tracks. 

We'd love you to join us on the day, but if you can't, a generous donation will help provide vital services like counselling, support groups, education, and research to find a cure.

Together we can achieve a lot. That's why your donation will mean the world to us. 

We're all grateful for any amount you can give.

Thank you to our Sponsors



"You guys are the best 😍"



"Panini money"



"Do you knowwwwwwwww... that this a great cause! Great stuff man, old fella would be proud!"


Olivia Blaas




Dan Blyde

"Lovely to read about your Dad, who he was and how much he is missed. We only got to meet him briefly but his gentle nature and kindness was obvious despite already being impacted by this horrible disease. Good on you for helping to make a difference."


Ryoko Baba

"Love what you do help future"


Chris Vermeersch

"Dad would be proud of you"


Natalie Dufton


Anna Blyde



"A very nice tribute to your dad"


Ben Christian

"Good on you, Chris!"


Mr Nimbus



"Love you Charlotte! ❤️"




Charlotte Vermeersch



"You are the best ❤️"


Sara Lom

"Wishing you all the best for your memory walk in honour of your dad. Thank you for your efforts to support others impacted by dementia."


Rachel Majuru


Nick Blackledge


Claudia Sultan


Stephanie Shepherd


Marco Deberardinis


Rosalie Lennard

"Courage! 😅"







Josh Tompsett


Bernadette Overlunde

"Sorry for your lost, but your Dad will be very proud of your efforts to spread the word about this dreadful disease and do something to help with research."


Chris & Steve Ahearn


Nat Nicol

"Condolences to you & your family Chris. Wishing you & your team a walking day in honour of your Dad."





"You are a fine human Charlotte, Gin and Pete"


Fiona Ivey

"With love and support from Fiona and Phylli ❤️"


Chris Gunaratnam

"Good on you Chris. Great way to honour your Dad."


Sandra Shortland

"All the best Chris, so wonderful to do what you are doing in memory of your father and for research that is so vital."


Tatjana Zec

"I am very sorry about the loss of your father, Chris. This is a great cause. All the best."


Meagan Myles

"Dementia is a tough one. Thank you for raising awareness and also funds!"


Jacintha Mooney


Samantha Burrows

"♥️ this devastating disease also took my dad ♥️"


Richard Seymour



"Sending all my love!"




Ashok Patole

"Sorry to hear about your dad."


Alex Hunting

"You’re amazing."


Leigh Family

"Much love to you all as you do this in your dad’s memory."


Stephen Fogwill

"Here's to reaching your goal. Well done in supporting a great cause!"


Ramona Carroll


Liz Parks

"Thinking of you all! 💙"








Kate Hearne

"Sorry to hear about your father Chris. All the best in raising money, here's hoping you reach your goal."


Deanna Loturco

"Its a real privilege to witness your deep connection and love for your father. Thank you for sharing and raising awareness."


Annie & Sparry

"Here’s to your sweet dad! 💛"


Elizabeth P.r

"In memory of your wonderful dad, Charlottecha x"


Laura Coleman


Carly W


Keith Rodrigues




Subod Pradhan

"be strong. keep going Chris"




Ally Zhang


Harley Almira

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