Share our fundraising effort with your network and let's beat dementia, together.

We're doing the Western Sydney Memory Walk & Jog to raise funds for the 421,000 Australian's living with dementia.

On Sunday, 9 March, we’llΒ be joiningΒ the Western SydneyΒ Memory Walk & Jog to show our love and help Dementia Australia.

And we need your support!Β 

Did you know that 1.5 million carers, family members and friends are involved in the care of someone living with dementia in Australia. That's why we're hoping to raise as much money as possible. We'll be walking, jogging, and running to stop dementia in its tracks.Β 

We'd love you to join us on the day, but if you can't, a generous donation will help provide vital services like counselling, support groups, education, and research to find a cure.

Together we can achieve a lot. That's why your donation will mean the world to us.Β 

We're all grateful for any amount you can give.

Our Team Members

Katie Bilbija

Raised so far


Katie Bilbija

Raised so far


Katie Bilbija

Raised so far


Katie Bilbija

Raised so far


Lauren Smith

Raised so far


Lauren Smith

Raised so far


Lauren Smith

Raised so far


Susan Jessup

Raised so far


Francine Wagstaff

Raised so far


Monica Iacobelli

Raised so far


Monica Iacobelli

Raised so far


Daniel Boulton

Raised so far


Josephine Clemente

Raised so far


Jayde Dean

Raised so far


Nick Bilbija

Raised so far


Ilija Bilbija

Raised so far


Aaron Zeall

Raised so far


Helen Perkins

Raised so far


Robbie Muoio

Raised so far


Sarah Grima

Raised so far


Rawinia Moala

Raised so far


Joel Farrant

Raised so far


Leonie Farrant

Raised so far


Damien Leitch

Raised so far


Damien Leitch

Raised so far


Michelle Bilbija

Raised so far


Kimberley Bilbija

Raised so far


Matthew Funnell

Raised so far


Chloe Grima

Raised so far


Jade Grima

Raised so far


Kerry Lambert

Raised so far


Thomas Grima

Raised so far


Jared Bilbija

Raised so far


Valentino Clemente

Raised so far


Dragan Bilbija

Raised so far


Lorraine Bilbija

Raised so far


Alex Hourigan

Raised so far


Christian Muoio

Raised so far


Sebastian Muoio

Raised so far


Michael Woellner

Raised so far


Vera Kraguly

Raised so far


Jaylen Bilbija

Raised so far


Daniel Grace

Raised so far


Diana Bilbija

Raised so far


Debbie Cormack

Raised so far


Jessica Smith

Raised so far


Meisha Toko

Raised so far


Mya Toko

Raised so far


Leanne Hutchinson

Raised so far


Kiara Hawkins

Raised so far


Tara Mcelhone

Raised so far


Isla Mcelhone

Raised so far


Erin Bilbija

Raised so far


Mia Labuzin

Raised so far


Dijana Labuzin

Raised so far


Alex Labuzin

Raised so far


Vince Valente

Raised so far


Kira Stewart

Raised so far


Nicole Valente

Raised so far


Rebecca Benbow

Raised so far


Claire Tolentino

Raised so far


Christie McCarroll

Raised so far


Amanda Dando

Raised so far


Timmy Vassallo

Raised so far


Jean Rolls

Raised so far



Raised so far


Thank you to our Sponsors


Nick Bilbija


David Madden

"well done Katie."


Jelena Labuzin



Bianca Hackenberg



Vera Kraguly



"Go get it Di πŸ’ͺ πŸ‘"


Diana Bilbija

"Go me!!"


Kimberley Bilbija


Rose Bilbija


Rob Nunez


Teesha Erickson

"In memory of John 🩷"


Katie Ryan

"Go girl"



"Great cause, you go Christie!!"


Georgie Burke


Nick Bilbija


Julia Romano


Jessica Giang


Nick Bilbija


Nick Bilbija


C Kirkpatrick


Josephine Clemente


Kellie Read


Lynne Ryan

"Good work Diana"


Katelyne Melville

"Good on you Di!!"




Andrew Mortimer

"Great work Katie"



"Great cause"


Corrine Henville

"Such an important cause and something your dad would be proud to see you do."


Sarah Grima


Timmy Vassallo


Helen Perkins



"Hope this helps."


Anne Dickinson

"Go Diana Xx"


Michael Woellner


Clayton Fung


Katie Bilbija




Shane Adams


Kim Marsh

"This is a great cause. Good luck and have fun 😊"


Veronica Reitano

"Go Di - you are awesome πŸ‘"



"Get yr comfy shoes on girl & hydrate!"


Marlene Elu

"Go DiZ ... happy to support a great cause."


Chantel Hart

"Great person doing good things for an important cause"


Pitou Yi



Brad D


Rick Cotsios





Carissa Zajac

"Let’s go Di!!"


Bianca Woodhead


Nicole Turner

"Always thinking of you x"


Liana Sirol


Josephine Clemente


Monica Iacobelli

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