South East Melbourne

Saturday, 10 May

From 9:00am

Peter Scullin Reserve, Mordialloc

Raised so far


Our Goal






Be one of the first 200
people that register

to receive a free t-shirt
and a Lucas’ Papaw tube!

Let's see who's on top

South East Melbourne Leaderboards



  • Antoinette Dungey just donated $3.93
  • Yvette Price just donated $2.80
  • Sarah Murphy just donated $53.25
  • Haley just donated $50
  • Joanne Rinaldi just donated $2.50
  • Renee Nortcliffe just donated $26.63
  • Chris Charles just donated $50
  • Hannah Fitzsimons just donated $15.98
  • Bradley Murphy just donated $11.90
  • Shelley Thomson just donated $15
  • Charlene Perez just donated $1.63
  • Erica Lovel just donated $1.63
  • Gemma Norton just donated $2.28
  • Amanda Terrey just donated $1.14
  • Jack Marulli just donated $1.14
  • Bec Karpati just donated $3.58
  • Nick Petroulias just donated $3.41
  • Lacey Yeomans just donated $2.28
  • Amanda Gunston just donated $117.15
  • Kate Gunston just donated $106.50

The impact of dementia today


Australians living with dementia


leading cause of death

1.7 million

involved in dementia care

South East Melbourne Memory Walk & Jog is made possible with: