Stirling Lodge Aged Care Keith MyWay
Join Keith & District Hospital for a day of walking and fun, to support people living with dementia, their families, and carers!
Both facilities in Bordertown and Keith care for people living with dementia, however we do not always have the same resources as some organisations in bigger cities. As the two facilites begin the transition into SA Health under the Limestone Coast Health Network, we want to raise money so Dementia Australia may continue to support Aged Care Facilities in rural settings. Dementia Australia provide materials and professional support for all healthcare workers, as well as people living with dementia in aged care facilites and at home.
We hope this event will show Dementia Australia our support, and connect residents, families, and staff from both facilities. Together we invite both communities to come together show people living with dementia they're not alone.
The 3.5km walk will start and finish at Keith & District Hospital. We will travel from Hill Avenue to Memorial Avenue, over Naracoorte Road and into Park Terrace, following along Dukes Highway and turning left into Ellis Street. We will then cross at the school crossing and head to Tolmer Road. At the roundabout we will make our back into Hill Avenue towards the finish line at Keith & District Hospital. We will have 15 Marshalls along the route for safety and guidance. A sausage sizzle and cake stall will be held at the hospital for a gold coin donation.
Registration to participate is $10 for adults, and children free. Additional donations through the MyWay page will be gratefully accepted. Thank you for your support and we can't wait to see you there!

Nicole just donated $435
Renee just donated $101
Annabel Cadzow just donated $10
Annabel Cadzow just donated $0
Marianne Evans just donated $10
Marianne Evans just donated $32.60
Tyla Joshua just donated $10
Tyla Joshua just donated $32.60
Stu & Nat just donated $53.25
Des Shillabeer just donated $10
Des Shillabeer just donated $59.23
Paul Dayman just donated $10
Paul Dayman just donated $0
Heather just donated $58.58
Sue Carter just donated $21.50
Michelle Pomery just donated $20
Michelle Pomery just donated $1.30
Jess just donated $21.30
Jo White just donated $20
Jo White just donated $33.25