C'mon Sydney, join the ITSD team to beat dementia!
The difference you make by joining the ITSD MyWay
In New South Wales alone there are over 135,000 people living with dementia, a condition that not only affects those diagnosed but greatly impacts their families and caregivers. Through my own personal experience of losing my father to dementia last year and sharing my journey with people, it became evident how many people around me had or were experiencing their own journey.
By joining ITSD on this walk to raise funds for Dementia Australia, you are not just making a donation, you are making a profound difference in the lives of those walking the path of dementia.
Dementia Australia provides support through information, education, and counselling for individuals living with dementia and their families. They also support vital research and provide health care workers with the tools for dementia-specific care. Dementia affects each person differently. Dementia Australia assisted the care providers caring for my father with the resources they needed to communicate and assist him better.
ITSD hopes that by raising awareness about dementia, it will bring down the walls and stigma associated with it, so that more people can talk openly about their experience. We hope people can feel more prepared and seek an early diagnosis in order to plan better for the future. This will help ensure people living with dementia have the opportunity and capability of self advocacy, respect and awareness.
Afterwards, join us for coffee from our coffee van and light refreshements. A playground is located in the area for children.
Not located in Sydney and would still like to participate?
You can still register and go for walk in your own state, share a photo with us, we would love to see you!

Dad liked to walk, he walked a lot in Parramatta Park. Please join us for a walk and have a conversation. The walls need to come down, the stigma removed and the hard conversations need to be had.
- Janine, ITSD MyWay organiser

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Let's see who's on top
ITSD Leaderboards
Anonymous just donated $50
David Stanger just donated $70
Charlotte just donated $58.58
McAuley Services just donated $58.58
Walter just donated $266.25
Risha Balakrishnan just donated $58.58
Rose just donated $31.95
Rebecca just donated $106.50
Tracey Haddock just donated $58.58
Melinda McAuley just donated $2.60
Carmel Stuart just donated $106.50
Melissa Ferrari just donated $31.95
Natalie just donated $106.50
Lauren just donated $58.58
Louis Papas just donated $114.30
Kelly Cotterill just donated $2.60
Sam Trifiro just donated $2.60
Julian just donated $266.25
Paulo just donated $266.25
Janine Eastham just donated $58.58